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Copyright © 2021 All Rights Reserved by Pilipinas Micro-Matrix Technology, Inc. (PMTI)
The Digital Payment and Ecommerce Platform creates an online, real time, government compliant payment system. Integrating with any existing portals/websites and API any third-party systems.
The Digital Payment and Ecommerce Platform creates an online, real time, government compliant payment system. Integrating with any existing portals/websites and API any third-party systems.
Our innovative ways in exploring the technology placed the company in an outstanding position in today’s highly competitive market. We pride ourselves for having a proven track record in executing multiple implementations with impressive results.
PMTI believes that by continuously directing the team members in the development of software modifications, we can ensure that our products and services will be aligned to all business requirements, including their financial plans and time program.
It was in 2012 that DTI transitioned from an on
premise ICT platform to a Cloud infrastructure platform. The early decision has
greatly help the Department address the continuous and growing demand for
business process automation and systems efficiency to
address the rapid response
demanded by the citizenry for government services.
When the pandemic hit,
was in a way ready to address the need of a nonphysical or face-to-face
interaction; using ICT in delivering a much more responsive and flexible public
Key to this readiness was AWS, the Cloud Service provider that
us transitioned to the platform we needed to have and continuously provides
varied product and service innovations to move us forward. AWS gave us cloud
platform that can easily proto-type, develop and test any system that needs a
quick launch without going thru the complicity of hardware and software system